do you get the latest RapidQ installer? Is it updated regularly?
You can download an installer for RapidQ (for Windows). It
installs the compiler, the IDE, the fixed libraries, the fixed small
libraries, the MySQL library, the helpfile (Rapidq.chm) and a
riched32.dll (see "can't focus a disabled window" message below). It
creates a program group and a desktop icon. It also associates *.bas
files with the RQ IDE. An uninstaller is included:
for RapidQ2 (a very large archive with updated libraries
and many examples):
Go to the Downloads Page
Don't expect updates to the compiler since
RealBasic apparently will not longer support it. The RapidQ2 project is
intended to improve the compiler by creating include files with added
do you get sample code for RapidQ?
Other than this site, source code, documentation, and
resources :
Go to the Links Page
How can I ask questions to users? Try discussion groups and
collection of files to members
http://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/rapidq/ (terrible
website, requires membership, but it is a great source of info)
RapidQ is a Beta release does the program have a lot of bugs? Will they
be fixed?
The bugs are not too bad and many can be
avoided by alternative coding. The main reason for this new
documentation is to inform programmers of possible bugs and alternative
coding options. Obviously there is potential for a bug in your program
that will not be fixed since support for the compiler is gone. Don't
contact William Yu, or RealBasic about supporting the compiler! You can
always look into other basics that have support like Real BASIC, FreeBasic, BCX, or
Hot Basic (a rapidQ like language clone). Since there will be no
upgrade to the compiler, the only way to improve the language is
through coding and API calls. The RapidQ2.INC file was made as a way to
start sharing standard code between programmers. It's not so bad, what
compiler doesn't have a bug somewhere?
How slow is Rapid-Q anyway?
Although Rapid-Q is based on compiling your sources to
byte-code, execution isn't as slow as many think. Byte-coded programs,
which can be faster than some scripted programming languages. Obviously
your programs will be slower than optimized C/C++ code and other
compilers that build machine language code. however, it is not all that
slow! You will notice slow speed for nested loops, heavy computations,
or to perform very low level manipulation to data. For example, reading
a single byte from a 1MB file will take longer in Rapid-Q than in most
languages, but not so extremely slow. Same with looping I = I + 1 a few
thousand times. But in terms of displaying graphics, controls and
forms, it's just as fast as any other language. The problem with
byte-code is going away with faster and faster computers. If you need
real speed you can run a separate DLL written in another language
(FreeBasic, BCX, HotBasic, C,but not ActiveX, COM or C++). There is
also a way to add assembly language code to your program using RQtoFBInc and
What about
At a minimum the Rapid-Q interpreter requires
about 300KB (150KB for Linux, 600KB for Sparc). So this is the overhead
that all your programs will have. Compared to some Windows programs,
this isn't that bad, Most likely your bytecode is less than 50KB anyway
(for a moderate/large application), plus any resources and graphics you
may want to include of course.
Does Rapid-Q
require extra runtime DLLs?
No. All your programs require no extra runtime DLLs or
externalities. Just distribute your .EXE file and that's it. They
should run on any Win95/98/NT system, assuming the end user hasn't done
anything to his/her Windows System files. If you compare the bloat-ware
of Rapid-Q and the runtime DLLs of other languages, Rapid-Q isn't that
bad in terms of bloated size.
How much memory
does Rapid-Q suck out of my programs?
It doesn't suck anything out of your programs (not
literally), but it does suck memory out of Windows which in turn limit
the amount of memory for your program(s). It really isn't as bad as one
might think though. It eats up less than 200KB for virtual, global, and
heap memory combined. This is because all variables and objects are
created dynamically. The heap/stack memory is the one you should look
out for. If your program is deeply nested or involves intense
recursion, this can grow and shrink very rapidly. You don't need to
worry about cleaning up your objects or variables when your program
terminates. Rapid-Q will free all your objects and clean up the memory
space for you.
How easy is it to
hack into my programs?
Being a byte-code compiler, if the end user knows how
everything is constructed, then it's just a formality. However, Rapid-Q
generates a non-standard, or non-specific type byte-code output, which
means, unless the user specifically knows what each operation does, it
is very very difficult to hack your program. It's easy to hack into
your string variables (like any other language), because these things
aren't encrypted anyway. In most cases, your program should be safe
from snoopers, they might not even know your program is byte-code
generated! Unlike Java or other languages, Rapid-Q does not attach any
symbol table or extra debugging information to your .EXE.
Do I need a
license to distribute my programs?
No. You don't need a license to use Rapid-Q (it's free),
and you definitely don't need any license to distribute or sell your
programs. The only agreement you have to worry about is that if you
choose to use Rapid-Q, you assume any and all consequences, direct or
indirectly from the use of Rapid-Q. Rapid-Q can be used for any task,
whether it's profit-seeking or otherwise. You don't pay me a cent, and
you don't even have to acknowledge that your program was created with
Rapid-Q (although this would be a nice gesture). You CANNOT, however,
distribute Rapid-Q (the program itself) and charge for it. You're
allowed to bundle Rapid-Q along with your program(s), so long as the
user is well informed that it's not buying into Rapid-Q, but rather,
buying into your program. How is that done? By not even advertising
that your distribution includes a copy of Rapid-Q. Call it the hidden
Can you make a DLL with RapidQ? Can you link with
No, there is no support for making your own DLL, ActiveX,
or COM programming interface. However, RapidQ can freely use DLLs
written in another language if you can properly set up DECLARE
SUB/FUNCTION statements. RapidQ cannot use DLL with COM interfaces.
Also there is no ability for the compiler to do a run-time
link with a library file (.LIB). Again FreeBasic, BCX, FSBL,
HotBasic, and RealBasic are good alternatives here.
What is the latest version of DirextX supported?
DirectX version 6.0 is the last version supported.
DXsound is also version 6.0. The DirectX and Direct3D components are
very functional but only represent a subset of all DirectX components,
since they were not completed. Support for Direct 3D is through DirectX
Retained Mode interface. It will continue to be provided by Microsoft
but unfortunately is no longer being upgraded by Microsoft.
There is no current support for DirectShow, DirectInput, and newer
interfaces. It is possible to use wrapper DLLs (the DLL does the work
for you).
Can you use OpenGL for graphics and is it fast?
Yes, you can use OpenGL. There is a set of
include files that allows you to interface to OpenGL (see the GL
demos Page). To make OpenGL programs run optimally be sure to
the drivers for your video board -- don't rely on the Drivers that came
your operating system. The speed of OpenGL is mostly dependent on
acceleration, but you will notice that RapidQ will be slower than C++
code for 3D objects with 1000's of vertices unless you use Display
Lists.. For small number of
vertices, you may not notice any difference.
My virus detection software (Norton) tells me RapidQ
has a
Trojan virus or some weird virus:
A. This is an old problem, that requires you to update your
antivirus software. Also RapidQ compresses the executable with UPX. This makes for a
smaller executable but the UPX file compressor might set off some virus
dectection software. Unpack your program before running / distribution.
Older Norton Antivirus definition files detect a "Hacktool" or a
Trojan. Rapidq does not have a virus! Here are some options:
1) Be sure to download the latest libraries (see Links
2) Update Norton virus definition file or use the older rapidq3.lib.
3) Exclude the file or folder, and perform a scan.
4) If Norton AntiVirus is set to its highest sensitivity,
then put the virus settings back to their default (standard) level.
This may be
important for AV alerts each time that a program writes to another file.
--Click Norton AntiVirus (NAV) 'options'
--Select Script blocking.
I get a "Cannot focus a disabled or invisible
error, how do I fix it?
The error doesn't cause any problems so just ignore it. The
fix is to put the file "riched32.dll " (dated 3/2003) into the
directory with RapidQ.EXE and RC.EXE. Obtain this
file from rapidq source locations such as g.slyip.com (use the search
box). The problem is a result of an newer
richedit dll that comes with the newer versions of windows. The IDE
must have a disabled or invisible window that it tries to
focus when it first runs, but since earlier versions of the dll in
question didn't catch it, it went unnoticed until the dll's were
updated recently. Do not register this DLL! Just put it in the RapidQ
How do you minimize an application
to the task bar?
QFormEx (found in rapidq2.inc) or these commands minimize an
application to
the task bar:
SetWindowLong(Application.Handle, GWL_HWNDPARENT,
Form.WindowState = wsMinimized
How do you to put a
bitmap in the ClipBoard?
to a QBitmapEx (found in
rapidq2.inc) then use Bitmap.PasteToClipboard.
The width, height and PixelFormat of theQBitmapEx
object affect how it looks.
do you find out if my application is already running, also called
previous instance of your application.
Look on the web for the Previnst.Bas example:
1) One solution is use FindWindow like this previnst.bas example (\examples\forms\previnst)
Can you create a custom
Yes, you can use an existing event like OnMouseMove, or make a
event using Windows messages. See the source code for QFormEx
to see custom events that hook the WndProc Callback function with
Windows messages.
Here is an example by Pavel Minayev:
' A short example demonstrating custom events
' QCircle is a simple control that looks a circle, and it
provides OnHitCircle event, which is called each time the
' user clicks inside of the circle. It also passes one
argument which is the distance from the center of the circle
' the point clicked.
$INCLUDE "rapidq.inc"
' This declaration is used as a template for event handlers
' for OnHitCircle event
' Declare an event based on previously declared handler template
OnHitCircle AS EVENT(HitCircleEvent)
WITH QCircle
.Circle(0, 0, .Width, .Height, clWindowText, clBtnFace)
EVENT OnMouseDown(Button AS LONG, x AS LONG, y AS LONG, Shift AS LONG)
WITH QCircle
d = SQR((x - .Width / 2) ^ 2 + (y - .Height / 2) ^ 2)
' If cursor was inside of the circle, fire the event
IF d <= .Width / 2 THEN CALLFUNC(.OnHitCircle, d)
Width = 100
Height = 100
' ************* Test code *********
SUB Circle1_HitCircle(d AS SINGLE)
SHOWMESSAGE "Distance from center: " + STR$(d)
Width = 300
Height = 300
CREATE Circle1 AS QCircle
OnHitCircle = Circle1_HitCircle