Rapid-Q Documentation by William Yu (c)1999-2000 | Appendix A: QRICHEDIT |
Field | Type | R/W | Default | Support |
Align | INTEGER | RW | alNone | W |
Align determines how the control aligns within its parent control. | ||||
Alignment | INTEGER | RW | taLeftJustify | W |
Alignment determines how the text is aligned within the edit control. | ||||
BorderStyle | INTEGER | RW | bsSingle | W |
Color | INTEGER | RW | W | |
Enabled | INTEGER | RW | True | WXG |
Font | QFONT | W | WX | |
Handle | INTEGER | R | W | |
Height | INTEGER | RW | WXG | |
HideScrollBars | INTEGER | RW | True | WG |
HideSelection | INTEGER . | RW | True | W |
Set to False, or 0, to automatically scroll to show new content. | ||||
Hint | STRING | RW | WG | |
Left | INTEGER | RW | 0 | WXG |
Line | ARRAY of STRING | RW | WXG | |
LineCount | INTEGER | RW | WXG | |
Modified | INTEGER | R | WG | |
PopupMenu | QPOPUPMENU | W | W | |
Plaintext | INTEGER | RW | False | W |
Readonly | INTEGER | RW | False | WXG |
ScrollBars | INTEGER | RW | ssNone | WXG |
SelAttributes | QFONT | W | W | |
SelLength | INTEGER | RW | WXG | |
SelLength is the number of characters that are selected. | ||||
SelStart | INTEGER | RW | WXG | |
SelStart is the position of the first selected character in the text. If there is no selected text, SelStart indicates the position of the cursor. | ||||
SelText | STRING | RW | WXG | |
SelText is the selected portion of the edit control's text. | ||||
ShowHint | INTEGER | RW | False | WG |
TabOrder | INTEGER | RW | W | |
Tag | INTEGER | RW | WXG | |
Text | STRING | RW | WXG | |
Top | INTEGER | RW | 0 | WXG |
WantTabs | INTEGER | RW | False | W |
WantTabs determines whether the user can insert tab characters into the text. | ||||
Width | INTEGER | RW | WXG | |
WhereX | INTEGER | R | WXG | |
WhereY | INTEGER | R | WXG | |
Wordwrap | INTEGER | RW | True | W |
Visible | INTEGER | RW | True | WXG |
Method | Type | Description | Params | Support |
AddStrings | SUBI AddStrings cannot add a string greater than 4094 characters. Instead use QRichEdit.Text = QRichEdit.Text + YourString | Add strings | STRING, Infinite | WXG |
Clear | SUB | Clear entire text | 0 | WXG |
CopyToClipboard | SUB | Copy selected text to clipboard | 0 | W |
CutToClipboard | SUB | Cut selected text to clipboard | 0 | W |
LoadFromFile | SUB (FileName$) | Load text from a file | 1 | WXG |
LoadFromStream | SUB (Stream AS QFILESTREAM/QMEMORYSTREAM) | Load text from a stream | 1 | WX |
PasteFromClipboard | SUB | Paste text from clipboard | 0 | W |
SaveToFile | SUB (FileName$) | Save text to a file | 1 | WXG |
SaveToStream | SUB (Stream AS QFILESTREAM/QMEMORYSTREAM) | Save text to a stream | 1 | W |
SelectAll | SUB | Selects all text from Richedit | 0 | WXG |
Event | Type | Occurs when... | Params | Support |
OnChange | VOID | Text changes | 0 | WG |
OnKeyDown | SUB (Key AS WORD, Shift AS INTEGER) | Key held down | 2 | WG |
OnKeyPress | SUB (Key AS BYTE) | User presses a key | 1 | WG |
OnKeyUp | SUB (Key AS WORD, Shift AS INTEGER) | Key released | 2 | WG |
OnMouseDown | SUB (Button%, X%, Y%, Shift%) | Mouse button held down | 4 | WX |
OnMouseMove | SUB (X%, Y%, Shift%) | Mouse moves | 2 | WX |
OnMouseUp | SUB (Button%, X%, Y%, Shift%) | Mouse button is released | 4 | WX |
DIM Form AS QForm
DIM RichEdit AS QRichEdit
RichEdit.Parent = Form
RichEdit.Scrollbars = ssBoth
RichEdit.AddString "Hello world!"
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